Naturix 100% Natural Lemon Soap with Vitamin C - Purifying Acne and Anti-blackhead Lemon Soap


(VAT included)


Ingredients: İçerisinde bulundurduğu zengin vitaminler sayesinde yüze oldukça fayda sağlar. Lekelerin giderilmesinde ve ciltte yeni leke oluşmasında da önemli rol oynar

How to use

How To Use: We foam it in our hands and apply it to our face by massaging in circular motions. Then, after leaving our face foamy for 2-3 minutes, we clean it with warm or cold water. After rinsing, you will feel your skin moisturized. You can easily use it 2-3 times a day to get the desired effect. Avoid eye contact during use. Otherwise rinse with plenty of water.