
Who we are

Business Info
  • Trendyol

    Since 2010, our mission is to have a positive impact by offering a seamless e-commerce experience to customers and sellers.

  • Trendyol

    The trust of around 30 million customers and 250,000 sellers propelled us to become the first decacorn in Turkey and one of the top e-commerce platforms in the world.

  • Trendyol

    Giving back to the community is in our DNA. We bring this into action by supporting the digitalization of our sellers, empowering local manufacturers and advocating women’s participation in the digital economy and production.

  • Trendyol

    We maintain the leading R&D center in our ecosystem, Trendyol Tech. With Trendyol Express, we operate one of the fastest-growing logistics networks. Trendyol Go is our instant food & grocery delivery service that takes us beyond fashion in Turkey. Dolap is one of the largest pre-owned goods platforms, allowing us to contribute to a circular economy and sustainability.

  • We’re in this for the long run and we’d love for you to be part of this journey.

Facts & Figures
  • TrendyolErstes türkisches Decacorn
  • TrendyolÜber 30 Millionen Kund:innen
  • TrendyolCa. 250.000 Verkaufspartner:innen auf der Plattform
  • TrendyolÜber 80 Millionen Artikel auf der Plattform
  • TrendyolLieferung in über 100 Länder weltweit
  • TrendyolNiederlassungen in Amsterdam, Berlin, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir und Luxemburg

Our vision is to enable commerce through technology and become the

#1 choice worldwide

for customers, sellers and employees

What we do

For Customers
Affordable trends to suit your style

Our goal is to make fashion accessible for everyone, where trends meet affordability. With our wide selection of clothing, footwear and accessories, Trendyol Collection translates the latest runway trends into wearable outfits for every style, occasion and budget. Our lines range from a glamorous party selection (Trendyol Party) and a casual jeans collection (Trendyol Denim) to modest fashion looks (Trendyol Modest) and a plus size collection (Trendyol Curve). Trendyol Collection lets you embrace your unique style from casual & relaxed to elegant & stylish with on-trend fashion pieces for women, men and kids.Follow @trendyol for your daily dose of fashion inspo and trend updates.

Multi-Brand Fashion Online Store

Latest trends from popular brands

Beyond trending fashion items from our brand Trendyol Collection and its versatile sub-brands, our Multi-Brand Fashion Online Store in Germany and Europe offers the latest collections of well-known retail brands such as NA-KD, Converse and Jack & Jones for women, men and kids. Shop your favorite brands, discover cool newcomer labels, find the latest trends interpreted by our own designers and a constantly growing number of global fashion brands.

Our range of services in Turkey

  • Trendyol Marketplace We have it all

    Trendyol Marketplace We have it all

    We offer a broad selection of categories from fashion and beauty to homeware and electronics on our platform. Shoppers can enjoy the convenience of a “one-stop shop” with seamless e-commerce experience. We constantly strive to bring you value while ensuring an easy, smooth and enjoyable shopping journey.

  • Dolap Circularity & Sustainability

    Dolap Circularity & Sustainability

    Do you like discovering unique treasures? So do we. That’s why we are passionate about Dolap, one of the largest platforms for pre-owned goods in Turkey. Users can buy and sell second-hand items and contribute sustainably to the circular economy.

  • Trendyol GO Instant Delivery

    Trendyol GO Instant Delivery

    Easy, fast and reliable – our instant grocery and food delivery service, Trendyol Go, brings your daily needs to your doorstep within minutes. We are constantly expanding our network of riders, restaurants, shops and partners on our fast-growing delivery platform.

  • Trendyol Express Reliable Logistics

    Trendyol Express Reliable Logistics

    Trendyol Express is our last-mile delivery solution, offering a high-quality delivery experience by combining the power of technology with expert teams.

Only available in Turkey for now.
For Sellers

Trendyol Marketplace

We have supported the digitalization of more than 250,000 sellers. Thanks to Trendyol, 91% of them have boosted their growth through new customer acquisition. A remarkably high number of female entrepreneurs (over 50,000) have started their e-commerce business with us.

For Employees

Trendyol Team, Values & Culture

Diversity, Inclusion & Empowerment

We believe in the power of an inclusive workplace.

Our platform is for everyone, and so is our workplace. Each and every one of us contributes to the vibrant culture of Trendyol. The more voices we have represented and amplified in our business, the more we all thrive, contribute, and shape the future together. As a tech company, we strive for equal opportunity and support female entrepreneurship and employment. Our ratios of female employees (40%), managers (40%), and engineers (49%) are significantly higher than other companies in our region. We strive to promote an inclusive and fair tech culture.

Meet our team of over 3,900 employees working in 10 different countries all over the world:

Our Core Values

Customer first
Our priority is to provide a flawless e-commerce experience to our customers.
Stronger as a team
We empower and value each other, and strive for our shared dream together as a team.
Always sincere and humble
We communicate directly and sincerely without making assumptions. We are driven by the best outcome, not by hierarchies or titles.
Strive to be better every day
We strive to be better every day, aiming for continuous progress.
Results matter
We are solution-oriented and take ownership of our work. We value results over opinions.
Trust in data
Data is the foundation of each decision.

People & Planet

Sustainable Impact Plan

We aim to be a sustainable e-commerce platform with a positive impact on people and the planet. The Trendyol Sustainable Impact Plan is a guide on how we can grow responsibly alongside our stakeholders.
This guide highlights everyday actions that aim to improve the quality of life of the people we work with and outlines how we will work towards protecting our planet for future generations.

  • 1
    • We are committed to transforming our operations and protecting our planet. We have identified three areas where we can create a considerable impact:

    • 1.1 Carbon Reduction

      We are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all our operations.

    • 1.2 Packaging and Waste

      We are developing a more circular system, including new designs which minimize packaging waste, and we are switching to more sustainable materials.

    • 1.3 Sustainable Production

      At Trendyol, we are dedicated to sustainable and traceable production through innovation and design. Trendyol works towards upholding universal standards and values of business ethics in its entire value chain.

  • 2
    • We are committed to creating a positive impact for our team, our business partners, and the local communities where we operate.

    • 2.1 Team

      Our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will allow us to break barriers and act as a champion for our team, sellers, partners and customers. We are serving diverse customers and sellers and we believe that only a diverse team can bring different perspectives and unique solutions to our ecosystem.

    • 2.2 Business Partners

      We are a part of a larger business ecosystem and care about the success of small and medium enterprises, women entrepreneurs and women cooperatives. We develop programs and services to support their growth.

    • 2.3 Community

      We believe that companies, as a part of society, bear responsibility in their economic and social spheres of influence. To help tackle social challenges, we implement projects focused on the social and environmental impacts in our sphere in collaboration with various stakeholders and local communities.

    • 2.4 Governance

      We create efficient, transparent and agile systems to leverage our sustainability strategy, and we support these systems by establishing and following policies that reflect our commitment in each of our material areas.


Contact Us

Intellectual Property RightsContact Form - TRContact Form - EN

Maslak Campus

Maslak, Trendyol Campus Büyükdere Cd. No:243 Spine Tower, 34485 Sarıyer/İstanbul

Ankara Office

Mustafa Kemal Mah. 2118 Cadde Maidan A Blok 6. kat Çankaya

Erguvan Operation Center

Akse Mahallesi 553. Sk. No: 11 Çayırova/Kocaeli

İzmir Office

Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı No:39 Folkart Towers B Kule 40. Kat Bayraklı, İzmir

Kiraz Operation Center

Orta Mahalle Öztaş Sokak No:9 C1 Blok Tuzla

Berlin Office

TOG Kontorhaus, Kronenstraße 63, 10117 Berlin

Akasya Operation Center

Orta Mahalle Kamer Sokak Logipark Tesisleri B1 Blok, No:7 Tuzla

Amsterdam Office

Symphony Offices, Gustav Mahlerplein 3-117 Amsterdam - Netherlands