Platanus Publishing A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man James Joyce

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Platanus Publishing A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man James Joyce

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  • Satıcı: MultiBrand Satıcı Ünvanı: DEPOLAB TEKNOLOJİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ İletişim: Satıcının Trendyol tarafından teyit edilmiş e-posta ve iletişim adresi kayıt altındadır. Şehir: Ankara Kep Adresi: [email protected] Mersis Numarası: 0292127911600001 Vergi Kimlik Numarası: 2921279116
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  • A Portrait Of the Artist As A Young Man Ürün Adı : A Portrait Of the Artist As A Young Man Yayınevi : Platanus Publishing Stok Kodu : 9786257923675 Sayfa Sayısı : 260 Boyut : 14x21 Basım Tarihi : 2020-03 Kapak Türü : Ciltsiz Kağıt Türü : 2. Hamur “That was not a nice expression. His mother had told him not to speak with the rough boys in the college. Nice mother! The first day in the hall of the castle when she had said goodbye she had put up her veil double to her nose to kiss him: and her nose and eyes were red. But he had pretended not to see that she was going to cry. She was a nice mother but she was not so nice when she cried. And his father had given him two five-shilling pieces for pocket money. And his father had told him if he wanted anything to write home to him and, whatever he did, never to peach on a fellow. Then at the door of the castle the rector had shaken hands with his father and mother, his soutane fluttering in the breeze, and the car had driven off with his father and mother on it. They had cried to him from the car, waving their hands: -Goodbye, Stephen, goodbye! -Goodbye, Stephen, goodbye!”

Ürün Özellikleri

  • Yazar James Joyce
  • Roman Türü Macera-Gizem
  • Cilt Bilgisi Ciltsiz
  • Basım Yılı 2022
  • Sayfa Sayısı 251-300
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