Penguin Books Cat Sense: The Feline Enigma Revealed

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Penguin Books Cat Sense: The Feline Enigma Revealed

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  • Satıcı: Kitapbulan İthal Kitap Satıcı Ünvanı: ARKADAŞ PAZARLAMA DAĞITIM İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ İletişim: Satıcının Trendyol tarafından teyit edilmiş e-posta ve iletişim adresi kayıt altındadır. Şehir: Ankara Kep Adresi: [email protected] Mersis Numarası: 0079036277600042 Vergi Kimlik Numarası: 0790362776
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  • From John Bradshaw, one of the world's leading experts on animal behaviour, and the author of the Sunday Times Bestseller, In Defence of Dogs, Cat Sense shows us the true, surprising nature of cats Cats are the most popular pet in the world. They outnumber the dog, man's 'best friend', by three to one. Yet today, they face unprecedented challenges in their life with humans: from conservationists who cast them as a threat to wildlife
  • from other cats who they compete for territory with
  • and from good-intentioned owners and vets with misconceptions of what they require. Cats need not so much our sympathy, but our understanding. Cat Sense offers us for the first time a truly scientific, yet deeply affectionate, picture of one of humanity's closest and most enigmatic companions. 'A mind-altering book ... delightful' - Lynne Truss, The Times 'Exceptionally thorough ... Bradshaw's concern and love for cats shines through ... You could buy a dozen books by the many cat whisperers, cat gurus and cat therapists that exist in our feline-obsessed modern world, but their accumulated wisdom would probably not help you understand your cats as well as Cat Sense' - Tom Cox, Observer 'An entertaining book, written in a relaxed style' - James McConnachie, Sunday Times 'Witty, surprising writing ... There is his delight in detail, a talent for dismantling myths, but most importantly an ability to build a coherent and entertaining theory from an apparent contradiction that all cat-lovers will recognise: we seek to understand cats even though it is our lack of understanding that makes us love them' - Herald John Bradshaw is a biologist who founded and directs the world-renowned Anthrozoology Institute, based at the University of Bristol. He has been studying the behaviour of domestic cats and their owners for over 25 years, and is the author of many scientific articles, research papers and reviews.

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