AnkaKitabevi Dune

344,33 TL

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AnkaKitabevi Dune

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  • Satıcı: Kitapbulan İthal Kitap Satıcı Ünvanı: ARKADAŞ PAZARLAMA DAĞITIM İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ İletişim: Satıcının Trendyol tarafından teyit edilmiş e-posta ve iletişim adresi kayıt altındadır. Şehir: Ankara Kep Adresi: [email protected] Mersis Numarası: 0079036277600042 Vergi Kimlik Numarası: 0790362776
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  • Before The Matrix, before Star Wars, before Ender's Game and Neuromancer, there was Dune, one of the greatest science fiction novels ever written.Melange, or 'spice', is the most valuable - and rarest - element in the universe. And it can only be found on a single planet: the inhospitable desert world Arrakis.Whoever controls Arrakis controls the spice. And whoever controls the spice controls the universe.When stewardship of Arrakis is transferred to his house, Paul Atreides must travel to the planet's dangerous surface to ensure the future of his family and his people. But as malevolent forces explode into conflict around him, Paul is thrust into a great destiny beyond his understanding.And in this game of power, only those who can conquer their fear will survive.Review: A sweeping work of science-fiction that helped define the genre and bring it to the mainstream * The Independent *Adapted from Frank Herbert's 1960s opus, Dune is dense, moody and quite often sublime - the missing link bridging the multiplex and the arthouse * The Guardian - 5* *This new adaptation of the 1965 Frank Herbert novel ... it's science-fiction at its most majestic, unsettling and enveloping * Daily Telegraph *Dune is this generation's Lord of the Rings trilogy ... firmly grounded in Herbert's book. The author's story of feudal nobles waging war over Arrakis, the only source of a powerful drug known as spice, is thick with conflicting ideas that academics are still unpacking today * The Independent *Dune: science fiction's answer to Lord of the Rings * The Guardian *Dune, more than 50 years after it was first published, is a story that speaks to the issues of our time * BBC Science Focus *

Ürün Özellikleri

  • Boyut Normal Boy
  • Basım Dili İngilizce
  • Yazar Kollektif
  • Roman Türü Korku-Gerilim
  • Cilt Bilgisi Ciltsiz
  • Basım Yılı 2021
  • Sayfa Sayısı 551-600
  • Setli/Tekil Tekil Ürün
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